Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Latest

New Hair Again

Went shorter!

Two Mondays Ago

So, once in while I like to shoot a little nature. The turtles really caught my eye. I found this log filled with turles - at least six or seven. But as I got close enough for a decent shot, they went "bloop, bloop, bloop" into the water before I even had a chance. I got half of them anyway, but they disappeared pretty quickly. I got lucky in other ways though. I found a great blue heron about 20 feet away from me, but my not-so-stealthy ways still startled him away.

Friday, April 20, 2007

At Jacquelyn & Gerald's

Unfortunately, I forgot my camera in my mom's van when I spent some time with the Brandts and Doerksens. So, here's a taste of my artisitic abilities... Above we have Celine wearing braids (which is rare!)

Gerald and Celine also whipped up a quick dessert. This is Gerald proudly displaying a golden brown apple crisp.

Of course, I had the privilege of viewing their brand new flat screen TV and oohing and aahing at all the new sounds you can hear when there's a subwoofer and surround sound. Jonas is just relaxing with a book.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Philip's Forklift

For fun at Grandma's place, grandchildren get to play with sharp pointy objects and sew styrofoam plates together! Which is actually pretty cute when you watch them do it. Here's Philip's illustration from his grade one fieldtrip to Co-op grocery story depicting a forklift and pallets of goods going all the way to the ceiling.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Day at Loretta's

After several attempts, I think we finally managed a picture where someone wasn't growing out of someone else's head!

This was a great little reunion of friends! While in Manitoba in March, we (Galene and I) were able to get together with some old ACA (Austin Christian Academy) friends at Loretta's in MacGregor.

Mom's Birthday

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

That part where Sarah arrives...

Sarah arrived in Wpg on March 11th. Major highlight!